Working with children is one of the most rewarding jobs you can do, but it is hard work, tiring and demanding and can leave you feeling stressed and drained.
Helping Your Child Play More This Summer
Having your children off during the holidays is a wonderful opportunity to help them develop social and emotional skills outside of the school environment.
Dr Clare Cambell and the Therapeutic Classroom Approach
Dr Clare Cambell shares her experience on working with TPC Therapy and introducing the Therapeutic Classroom Approach at St Charles R.C Primary School
Chronicals of a therapeutic classroom continues
Recap..Last year I embarked on a special project which aimed to transform the way the UK approaches the design of mainstream, primary school classrooms.
Childhood Trauma: My Untold Story
I want to tell you a story, it is a story I have touched on a little bit in my career but never really embraced openly.
Easter is coming!
We love the excuse to do something fun with the children and young people, and so in this post we’re going to share some fun ideas you can do for Easter this year.
Take them to the beach!
Car Journeys without Electronics
Do you find yourself giving children pads and phones in the car to keep them quiet?
Sometimes it feels like the only way to calm them down or get through a journey.