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What is leadership and how can you become an inspirational leader?

The Therapeutic Teacher Podcast
“I am not a leader” you might say. But you are!!

It is so easy to forget that we are all leaders in our own unique way. Whether you are an Executive Head, Headteacher or SENCO, whether you are the CEO of a business or employee…a mother or a father.. You are leading. What you say, what you believe and how you communicate influences the people around you. It has meaning.. Imagine you are stood in the sea, what you do creates small ripples around you that extend out and impact others. Those ripples can become waves.

What waves are you creating?

This year, choose to lead with more intention. What can you do to make a difference? How can you use your unique strengths & interests to inspire those around you? A good leader uses their influence to guide others, create positive change in thoughts, beliefs and practices.. You can do that. In whatever role you are in. Your leading either way. So use your words, stories, passions and unique self to step into a year of inspirational leadership and let’s get those waves going!

Every one of us has the power to create change…So as Gandhi said – “Be the change you wish to see in the world”


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