Episode 7: What we really need to teach children about technology and social media
In podcast episode 7 we are going to explore
1. How technology has the potential to unlock an age where children can now take control of their own careers, be creative and innovative whilst creating income that is focused around who they are and what they love- a lesson they are not taught in school.
2. How teaching children about technology is so important- and I don’t mean teaching them about staying safe online or limited screen time but more about how they can utilise technology and focusing on what they consume. Mindset is everything, what you allow into your consciousness impacts your wellbeing and your beliefs. That is a lesson worth teaching!
3. What you can do to begin to teach these two points to the children in your care and begin to take action 😊
If you work in a primary school. high school, foster care or have children of your own then this one is for you!